Influencial Exploration
Early & Young Leaders seeking their ability to influence change. This includes:
Students in higher education
Entry-level leaders
Young entrepreneurs
Early stage community leaders
Leaders seeking to grow beyond.
Exploration Leaders come to me for:
Assess personal leadership qualities
Develop unique leadership potential and impact
Enhance experience with personal leadership ability and knowledge
Influential Established
Mid-level leaders seeking to expand their leadership capabilities. This includes:
Mid-level leaders
Some experience in organizations, activities, and/or programs.
Often key members of organizations.
Leaders looking to create a larger impact beyond their current influence.
Established Leaders come to me for:
Attain a deepened understanding and insight, seen or unseen.
Develop personalized strength-based style of leadership necessary for influential impact on others.
Gain insight into their personal fulfillment and satisfaction - through empowerment of others.
Influential Expert
Developed leaders seeking to enhance & expand. This includes:
Leaders of groups and organizations.
Key members in their community.
Years of experience in their field.
Expert Leaders come to me for:
Increase knowledge in problem-solving abilities.
Develop enhanced leadership capabilities towards directed audience.
Networking and collaboration efforts towards your mission.
Get in touch.
Please contact me through any of the following:
To contact me by phone - give me a call at (701) 550-7606
If you prefer to contact me by email, reach out at (
Miigwech, (Thank you in Ojibwe).